четверг, 1 марта 2012 г.

Fed: Postcard protest coincides with alarming green report

Fed: Postcard protest coincides with alarming green report

A chain of 10,000 postcards protesting against land clearing has been delivered tothe prime minister's office in Canberra.

Initiated by the The Wilderness Society, the postcard protest coincides with a leakedgovernment report warning thousands of Australian species are in danger of extinction.

The postcards have been delivered by Australian Democrats leader ANDREW BARTLETT whosays land clearing's one of the main culprits of environmental destruction.

Senator BARTLETT says each year, bushland larger in size than 400,000 football fieldsis destroyed, killing millions of animals including koalas, possums, bandicoots and kangaroos.

AAP RTV sal/smb/sco


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